I feel like writing, so I’m going to, sounds like a plan yeah?

I don’t know, but when I start to write I end up letting everything out and saying stuff I don’t really mean, but I’m going to try so hard to mean everything I say from now on, I mean whats the point in not saying things you don’t mean?

 It has been brought to my attention many many times in the past three weeks that I apologize for everything. Where did I get this habit from? I have no idea why, but i know when it started. It started when I was with Stephen, most of you guys don’t know Stephen becasue I don’t talk about him much. I dated him for uh, almost three years. We fought a lot, and it was just easier to say “I’m sorry” than to hold my ground with him. Mostly because with him I didn’t feel like I had much ground to stand on. I guess when you get so used to something it’s just a comfort zone. So now I say I’m sorry to everything. Even if it’s something simple as “I’m tired.” I will say I’m sorry to you, just because somehow, I feel like I should? I don’t know. I don’t know how to break this habit, but I am learning and trying. I haven’t really noticed that I do it so much until it was pointed out to me over and over.

So a couple days ago my best friend inrl packed up and left me. I know that sounds selfish. And I know should be ‘happy” he’s defending my honor but I’m not, because with that defense comes the very real chance that he comes home in a body bag. I keep replaying that scene over and over in my head and I can’t get it out. I guess him leaving has got me in this funk because I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do if he doesn’t make it home. I’ve lost one best friend and it was the absolute hardest thing that has EVER happened to me. Watching him get in his truck, mumbling the words “I love you and I’ll be safe” and pull away was almost too hard for me. It’s what he wants though. So I’ll suck it up. I miss him though, a lot.

I can’t wait to move in with sarah, I just need to get in gear and start making plans. I need to visit her in two months. But I am so scared to death of flying. But I want to start over, make a new life for myself, in a new place. And I can’t thing of anyone better to share that with then my wonderful Sarah.


That’s really all I have, oh and I wanted to end with this.

Still is the life of your room when you’re not inside, and all of your things tell the sweetest story line. Your tears on these sheets, and your footsteps are down the hall. So tell me what I did, I can’t find where the moment went wrong at all. You can be mad in the morning, I’ll take back what I said. Just don’t leave me alone here. It’s cold, baby. Come back to bed. What will this fix? You know you’re not a quick forgive, and I won’t sleep through this. I survive on the breath you are finished with.

And coming soon to a sl cinema near youuuuuu….

hahahha <3’s mah Chill.



That’s it, byeee.

– Ele

Ohhh here it is. Late I know, but shut up it’s here. Took a bit, but it’s done. If you are not on my “cheat sheet”. I either A. forgot you, B. don’t have a super awesome pic with us, or c. don’t like you. Don’t get butthurt please if you aren’t on this list. The people on this list are in no particular order. Just randomly thrown in there, keep that in mind.



Ellieshea GossipGirl

Elliesheaa! I picked this girl out of the sea of gg’s and told her, that her taste in music sucked ass. 😀 Thus, we became bffl. I don’t talk to ellie much but when I do we pick up right where we left off. And I love it. And her. I will never forget her and just the knowledge and fun nights she has given me.

Domino Dastardly
The one person in SL I never gave a fair chance to. Because I can be a bitch like that. But nonetheless I have found an amazing person in Dom and I look forward to getting to know her more. She was another one of those “Ele get over yourself” moments that I seem to be having more and more lately. She’s fun.
Kevyn GossipGirl
Kev! She’s like that big sister you want so much but sometimes you just wish she’d stop telling you things even when you really fucking need to hear them. I love her for that though. I love her for always being there. For keeping her cool when even she herself had the right to lose it. For staying true to the person she is. For being the craziest drunkard I know. But most of all for putting up with me, when sometimes, she really shouldn’t. 
Arlana GossipGirl
The very first friend that has crossed over to real life for me. I met Arlana when she was born, and little did I know this whole time that she had lived 5 minutes away from me. She entertains me so much. On SL and Off. She has an amazing heart and it seems to get bigger every day. She is always there to make a witty comment or complain about something completely non related to the topic at hand. And I love her more and more every day for it.
Esme Milena
Esme and I either love each other or were both at each others throats. That’s how we work. We hate, or we love. We have done some evil fucking shit to each other. And seriously have been through hell and back. Which is kind of funny on SL, we were like the evil bitches in high school you did not mess with. We’re good now. We’ve made peace, and we’ve learned that instead of fighting about it, joke about it. That’s the key.
Sirah GossipGirl
Sirah would be amazing. I met her through the GG sim obviously and I’ve loved her ever since. She’s been through some shit, a lot of shit.  I get myself into so much more trouble with her than I would ever anyone else. That is what made us such good friends though. The fact that we can be crazy for hours and never get bored of each other. She was also my wife for quite some time. She’s always there to listen and visa versa. She’s greeeattt. 😀 
Kimbalina GossipGirl
Kiiim my little snookums Kim. I don’t think you are going to find anyone in sl or in rl that has as big of a soul and as great of a soul that Kim has. She is one of those types of people that take all the bad in life and somehow twist it into something positive. Usually people like that annoy the hell out of me. But not Kim, she has this unusual way of doing it. I love her. I have found a true friend in her. And she just makes me smile and laugh all the time. Were also attached at the ass.
Whitnie Bard
I honestly don’t know how this girl fell into my world but she is so crazy. I find every second I spend with her to be absolutely awesome. She likes to call out people just for the hell of it and broadcast MJ over mic. She’s cooler than you. Always will be.  
Lolaa Aluveaux
Fanneh! I have so many different feelings about Lola, and have since the first day I met her. She has such a big heart and will give you a piece of it if you’re lucky. Just don’t hurt that piece or you’ll never get to know her again. She has so many different personalities and I love every last one of them. I love to be around her and goof off. I have most definitely found a friend for life in her and I sometimes feel bad that I didn’t take the time out to get to know her better when she first started.
Lizzy Albatros
Lizzy is a tough one for me, because at one point in my life she was a constant. She was one of my very best friends and I could not imagine having to go a day without her. But then we kind of fell apart and I’m not going to sit here and lie, it hurt. It hurt to know I was losing one of my better halves over something that just could have been avoided if there was open communication. I don’t really know Lizzy anymore. And its not anyone’s fault, we just grew apart. Were still friends, just not like we used to be. She’s still awesome and one of the most hilarious people I know.
Louis Fall
There’s two people one this list that I really debated on putting down. Not because they don’t mean as much to me, but to make them sound like better people than they actually are and be tasteful about it would be a feat for me. Louis is one of those people. Louis and I drove each other insane and it wasn’t one of those “fun” kind of insane it was “pull your hair out” insane. We would literally pick each other apart till there wasn’t much left. If this was then, I would be sitting here telling you guys how funny he is and how random he is  and about his obsession with hot chocolate but it isn’t and that its in the past, just like our friendship. I got tired of trying to mend things and just let it go. Better to remember someone for who they showed you they could be, then for who they really are deep down.
Ikuyias GossipGirl
Iku, yea I don’t know why he’s on here really. Which should have sent off bells if the first thing I’m wondering is why is he even on here. Iku was my hero for the longest time. One of the very first people I warmed up to on sl. I liked him for his unbiased opinion on things, and for his honesty and sincerity in everything he did. I can’t really say much about him now considering where we stand. Well, considering where we don’t stand.
Jaredd GossipGirl
Jared is the second person I debated about. Jared and I for the longest time were gossipgirl’s “it” couple. No joke, we even have a video about us on the CW web site. Where ever Jare was, Ele was sure to follow. But I got tired of being the stupid little girl that follows. And being treated like I don’t have feelings. Because whether romance is involved in real life or sl it still hurts when you get treated like you don’t matter. Like you’re only there temporarily when you were promised solidness. That’s really all I have to say on Jared. I thought I could pull something nice off. That’s as nice as it gets.
      Okay so I know i said these people weren’t listed in any particular order. And they arent. But these last four, are last for a reason. They’ve had the biggest impact on my sl so far. And they change it more and more every day. They are also the last four because well, I had so much shit to say about them. Enjoy.
Arym Mayako
My Myra Omega! She’s always there. And has always been there. She always is there to give a different side of things and to make me think. I swear she has the power to change the world and one day she’s going to realize it too. She has became one of my very best friends and I never ever want to lose her. She makes my days better with her sarcasm and is just a all around beautiful person inside and out. No matter what you can almost count on her saying the right things at the right time. She has this wit  that will make you fall in love with her the second you meet her. It’s really quite amazing if you stop and think about it. She’s quite amazing. The first night I met her she was ninja and since that night she has ninjaed her way into my life, my heart and everywhere else. I’m proud of her for the person she is becoming and reaching for that person she hopes to become, even though she could stay the same and I wouldn’t mind.
xSaraho Mornington
Sarah Beth. Saraho. My best friend, my rock, my better half. Life throws you some pretty crazy curve balls sometimes but this one was one of the best. Sarah is my best friend, in real life and sl. We tell each other every little detail there is to tell. Freaks people out a lot. I never really liked girls, in fact most of them ended up to be backstabbing whiney bitches to me. But then came Sarah. It’s hard to sit here and write about how much she means to me because I don’t honestly think there will be enough words in the world ever to describe that. I have to talk to her at least once a day or my day is not complete. She cheers me up and just makes me smile when I really don’t want to. I love her for that. I do not know what I would do if she ever left. She is one of the most down to earth people out there but with a trip to the clouds every now and then. If there is some higher force, whatever it may be driving us in this universe I believe that they meant for Sarah and I to meet.
Espen Tardis
Espannini. I don’t really don’t know how Espen got in my life so quickly, but I’m glad he did. There are days I want to strangle him for being so stubborn and then there are days where I just wanna run up and give him the biggest hug for being the silly person he is. I know that if I ever want to get in an argument over something ridiculous  and frivilous all I have to do is start up something with him. I could exchange the oddest websites back and forth with him all day and never get bored. I would like to sit here and say that Espen and I are bffl4everrr, but were not. In fact our friendship is kind of awkward, and it always has been, but somehow that works. Somehow we make awkward work.
Chillinger DeSantis
I have never met a guy in sl or real life for that matter that is able to make me stumble over my words, and get me so tongue tied that I’m afraid to speak in fear of sounding completely stupid. Chill does that to me though. I think that’s why I was initially attracted to him in the first place is that I’ve never really had anyone actually do to me what he does. I don’t think he knows just how funny he is. And just how my whole mood can change with one simple message from him. I enjoy every single second I spend talking to him. There is never a dull a moment, and if on the offchance that there is you can almost guarantee  that were gonna fill it with something retarded. I have found a comfortable silence with him. And that’s when you know you’re starting to mean something to someone right? Comfortable silence.
There you have it! Hope you guys enjoyed, sorry for the delay.

My name is Ele. I’m extremely bad with introductions but I’m going to try my best. This is my second life blog. Why have a blog about my Second Life? Other than the obvious, it’s because my second life is far more interesting than my real life would ever hope to be. My name on SL is Ele Boccaccio and I was born in the WB’s GossipGirl sim. So yes, that means all those annoying little girls running around with GossipGirl as their last name, I was one of them, and still consider myself to be one. In my honest opinion I think GossipGirl is a wonderful place to start off your SL adventure. You get so much help that you otherwise would not get on orientation island. I made this blog to rant, not to please any readers I might gain. So if you don’t like what I am writing in my blog, I honestly don’t care.

So I have decided in order for you to know what the hell I’m bitching about you have to know the people who have entered my life through sl. A cheat sheet I guess you could say. So from now until tomorrow that is what I will be working on, my cheat sheet. It also gives my friends a spot they deserve. 
